Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cervical Cancer And Hpv Vaccination Health And Social Care Essay

Reappraisal of literature is an indispensable constituent of a worthwhile survey in any field of cognition. It helps the research worker to derive information on what has been done antecedently and to derive information on what has been done antecedently and to derive deeper penetration in to the research job. It besides helps to be after and carry on the survey in systematic mode. In this chapter, the research worker has presented the available research surveies and relevant literature from which the strength of the survey was drawn. 1. Surveies related to cervical malignant neoplastic disease 2. Surveies related to HPV inoculation.STUDIES RELATED TO CERVICAL CANCERMiocLee, C. ( 1999 ) conducted a qualitative survey with eight focal point groups ( figure of sample=102 ) by utilizing 11 inquiry derived from the wellness belief theoretical account. Focus group revealed that there was misinformation and a deficiency of cognition about cervical malignant neoplastic disease. The adult females at that place fore were confused about causative factors and preventative schemes related to cervical malignant neoplastic disease. The findings showed that major structured barriers were economic and clip factors. The chief psychological barriers were fear, denial confusion thought. Participants stated that medical advice and instruction would act upon them to undergo Pap trial. Recommendations were made to cut down certain barrier and to increase cognition and motive. Sheila, Twin. ( 2005 ) conducted a survey among Chinese adult females from a entire sample of 467 in order to place the cognition about cervical malignant neoplastic disease. Evident suggested that adult females knowledge about cervical malignant neoplastic disease and preventative schemes are important their showing patterns. The demand for farther cognition about the cervical showing and preventative step was demonstrated. HkoLiou, Xueminling. ( 2009 ) conducted transverse sectional descriptive design on responses action and wellness promoting behaviours among rural Chinese adult females with unnatural Pap trial. The consequence shows that about 14 % were diagnosed as precancerous and underwent farther intervention. 24 % of the adult females took no action during the 3 month after having the consequence. Equally many as 96 % were non cognizant about localised cervical malignant neoplastic disease. These analyzed consequences may turn out utile in developing intercession schemes to help adult females with positive Pap trial consequences to take intervention modes and adopted wellness behaviours.STUDIES RELATED TO HPV VACCINATIONKwan, T, ( 2007 ) conducted a transverse sectional community based survey to research Chinese adult females ‘s perceptual experience of human villoma virus inoculation and their purpose to be vaccinated. A sum of 1450 cultural Chinese adult females aged 18 and above who attended the wellness centres. The consequence shows about 38 % of participants ( n=527 ) had heard of HPV and approximately 50 % ( n=697 ) had heard of inoculation against cervical malignant neoplastic disease. 88 % of the participants ( n=1219 ) indicate that they would probably to be vaccinated. Majority of the participants believed that sexually experient adult females should be vaccinated ; while27 % opposed immunizing sexually naA?ve adult females. survey suggested that HPV infection was perceived to be stigmatising to adumbrate household and societal relationships, despite misconception and a grossy inadequate cognition about HPV and HPV inoculation, NubiaMunoz, ( 2007 ) conducted survey among 17, 622 adult females aged 15-26 old ages who were enrolled in one of two randomised, placebo-controlled, efficacy tests for the HPV6/11/16/18 vaccinum ( first patient on December 28, 2001, and surveies completed July 31, 2007 ) . Vaccine or placebo was given at twenty-four hours 1, month 2, and month 6. All adult females underwent cervico vaginal sampling and Pap proving at twenty-four hours 1 and every 6-12 months at that place after. A consequence shows that inoculation was up to 100 % effectual in cut downing the hazard of HPV16and 18 related top-quality cervical, vulvar, and vaginal lesions and of HPV 6 and 11-related genital warts. In the intention-to-treat group, inoculation besides statistically significantly reduced the hazard of any top-quality cervical lesions ( 19.0 % decrease ; rate vaccinum = 1.43, rate placebo = 1.76, difference = 0.33, 95 % assurance interval [ CI ] = 0.13 to 0.54 ) , vulval and vaginal lesions ( 50.7 % decrease ; rate vaccinum = 0.10, rate placebo = 0.20, difference = 0.10, 95 % CI = 0.04 to 0.16 ) , venereal warts ( 62.0 % decrease ; rate vaccinum = 0.44, rate placebo = 1.17, difference = 0.72, 95 % CI = 0.58 to 0.87 ) , Pap abnormalcies ( 11.3 % decrease ; rate vaccinum = 10.36, rate placebo = 11.68, difference = 1.32, 95 % CI = 0.74 to 1.90 ) . Decision of the survey is High-coverage HPV inoculation plans among striplings and immature adult females may ensue in a rapid decrease of venereal warts, cervical cytological abnormalcies. Infectious Disease Obstetric Gynecology diary. ( 2006 ) suggested that Vaccines which protect against infection with the types of human papillomavirus ( HPV ) normally associated with cervical malignant neoplastic disease ( HPV 16 and 18 ) and venereal warts ( HPV 6 and 11 ) are expected to go available in the close hereafter. Because HPV vaccinums are contraceptive, they must be administered prior to exposure to the virus, ideally during preadolescence or adolescence. The immature age of the mark inoculation population means that doctors, parents, and patients will all be involved in the decision-making procedure. Research has shown that parents and patients are more likely to accept a vaccinum if it is efficacious, safe, moderately priced, and recommended by a doctor. Widespread instruction of doctors, patients, and parents about the hazards and effects of HPV infection and the benefits of inoculation will be instrumental for furthering vaccine credence. Andrea Licht, S, et. Al. ( 2009 ) conducted survey on HPV inoculation. The purposes of this survey were to measure HPV inoculation rates and to analyze whether cognition and hazard perceptual experiences sing HPV were associated with the reported usage of the HPV vaccinum among female college pupils. A cross-sectional design was used among 406 adult females aged 18-26 old ages were recruited at two public universities and completed a self-administered study. Respondents who reported holding received at least one dosage of HPV vaccinum were classified as ‘vaccinated ‘ ( n=177, 43.6 % ) . Responses, stratified by the reception of HPV vaccinum, were compared utilizing descriptive statistics and multivariate theoretical accounts. Consequences based on multivariate logistic arrested development mold, 18-year-old adult females were about four times more likely to describe usage of the HPV vaccinum compared with respondents aged 19-26 old ages. Respondents who right indicated th at HPV caused venereal warts were 1.85 times more likely to hold received at least one HPV vaccinum. African American and Asiatic adult females were each less likely to be vaccinated compared with white adult females. Risk perceptual experience was non significantly associated with vaccinum consumption, nevertheless, the bulk of respondents failed accurately to acknowledge their high hazard of both geting and conveying HPV. These findings suggest cognition shortages and misperceptions about HPV hazard as possible subjects for educational runs promoting the greater usage of the preventative HPV vaccinum among this subgroup Allison Friedman, L. ( 2004 ) suggested that venereal human villoma virus ( HPV ) infection is the most common sexually familial virus in the united States, doing venereal warts, cervical cell abnormalcies, and cervical malignant neoplastic disease in adult females. To inform HPV instruction attempts, 35 focal point groups were conducted with members of the general populace, stratified by gender, race/ethnicity, and urban/rural location. Focus groups explored participants ‘ cognition, attitudes, and beliefs about HPV and a conjectural HPV vaccinum every bit good as their communicating penchants for HPV-related educational messages. Audience consciousness and cognition of HPV were low across all groups. This, along with an evident STD-associated stigma, served as barriers to participants ‘ conjectural credence of a future vaccinum. Although information about HPV ‘s high prevalence and nexus to cervical malignant neoplastic disease motivated participants to larn more about HPV, it besides produced audience fright and anxiousness. This research suggests that HPV- and HPV-vaccine-related instruction attempts must be approached with extreme Raley, JC. ( 2004 ) suggested that Human villoma virus ( HPV ) is the causative agent of cervical neoplasia and venereal warts. A vaccinum has late been developed that may forestall infection with HPV. Vaccination for HPV may go a everyday portion of office gynaecology. Researcher surveyed members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ( ACOG ) to find their attitudes to HPV inoculation. A study was sent to Fellows of ACOG to measure gynaecologists ‘ attitudes. Vaccine acceptableness was analyzed by utilizing 13 scenarios with the undermentioned dimensions and several properties: age of patient ( 13, 17 and 22 old ages ) ; efficaciousness of vaccinum ( 50 % or 80 % ) ; ACOG recommendation ( yes or no ) ; and disease targeted ( cervical malignant neoplastic disease, warts or both ) . Each scenario was rated by agencies of an 11-point response format ( 0 to 100 ) . Responses were evaluated utilizing conjoint analysis. Consequences of 1200 studies that were sen t out, 181 were returned and included in our analysis. ACOG recommendation was considered the most of import variable in vaccinum distribution ( importance mark = 32.2 ) , followed by efficaciousness ( 24.5 ) , age ( 22.4 ) and, in conclusion, disease targeted ( 20.9 ) . Of these variables, higher efficaciousness was favored ; penchant was given to age 17 old ages, with a strong disinclination to immunize at age 13 old ages ; and protection against cervical malignant neoplastic disease, or venereal warts, or both. Demographic features of the gynaecologists ( i.e. , age of doctor, gender, and pattern scene and community size ) did non play an of import function in the determination to urge inoculation. Professional society recommendation is of import for acceptableness of a possible HPV vaccinum. Gynecologists are willing to include this vaccinum in their pattern. Chun Chao, et. Al ( 2007 ) conducted survey among 34,193 female who initiate HPV inoculation. The purpose of the survey was to analyze the rate and correlate the completion of HPV inoculation. The consequence shows that the completion rate was 41.9 % among age group between 9- to 17-year and 47.1 % in the 18- to 26-year. Black race – 95 % assurance interval and lower vicinity instruction degree were associated with lower regimen completion. A history of sexually transmitted diseases, unnatural Pap trial consequences, and immune-related conditions were non associated with HPV inoculation regimen completion. Caron, et. Al. ( 2008 ) conducted a cross sectional survey among college adult females, the survey reveals that cervical malignant neoplastic disease is chiefly caused by the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) and is the 2nd most common cause of cancer-related mortality among adult females. Aim: College adult females may be at hazard for undertaking HPV based on their sexual behaviour. An explorative analysis was conducted, following the release of the HPV vaccinum, Gardasil [ R ] , the am of the survey is to ( 1 ) determine consciousness of HPV and Gardasil [ R ] , ( 2 ) buttocks attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs about the HPV vaccinum, ( 3 ) place information beginnings that college adult females are accessing. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of college adult females ( n=293 ) enrolled in a Northeastern university voluntarily completed a self-administered questionnaire sing cognition, attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs about correlativities, and mated sample t-tests. Consequences: Sex ually active respondents would urge the HPV vaccinum to others and differ that HPV inoculation would promote hazardous sexual behaviour. Yet, â€Å" necessitate more information † is the prevailing ground respondents would non acquire the HPV vaccinum if it were offered for free. Discussion: Correlations are identified on how self-reported cognition influenced attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs sing the HPV vaccinum. These findings should help wellness pedagogues in developing incorporate public wellness instruction attempts for HPV inoculation that are targeted towards this at-risk population.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Importance of Literature to Humanity

â€Å"Literature speaks the language of the imagination, and the study of literature is supposed to train and improve the imagination† (Frye 134). According to Northrop Frye the imagination is the combination between emotions and intellect in every individual. The more an individual is exposed to literature the better that person is at expanding their imagination, which he calls the educated imagination. Having an educated imagination helps one to think for themselves and create their own ideas and opinions. The educated imagination is a necessity of life in a political world, the study of literature is not an â€Å"elegant accomplishment† but a means of entry into a â€Å"free society† (Frye 147). With an educated imagination one is able to distinguish between moral and aesthetic truth, this is extremely important when it comes to politics. Politicians or simply people in a higher authority often use rhetoric language to manipulate and brainwash people with lies . In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury shows the negative effects rhetoric language can have on those with an uneducated imagination and that without literature society produces a world filled with ignorance. The absence of books in Fahrenheit 451 creates darkness within the society. In literature darkness is a symbol of ignorance, evil, falsehood, oblivion, despair and the unknown. Light on the other hand represents goodness, life, knowledge, fame and hope. During the entire novel the author constantly relates to darkness and night, â€Å"In the late afternoon it rained and the entire world was dark and grey† (Bradbury19). Books represent light; it provides people with knowledge, exposes truths and educates the mind. In this society books are illegal and the job of a fireman is to burn any house that contains books in it. Due to the burning of these books there is a lack of light in this society, just utter darkness. Because of the ignorance within the civilization the politicians are able to manipulate and convince the population that books and everything else that causes one to think is evil. This way they are able to easily influence and lead the population. Those that have been exposed to books realize that they are living in darkness and that their only way to get out of the darkness is through books, †Maybe these books can get us half out the cave† (Bradbury 74). All the darkness within the society has blinded the people into being unaware as to what is going on around them. The population is unconsciously being brainwashed and forced to conform without even knowing it. â€Å"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal† (Bradbury 58). Watching television became the major replacement for literature. This is because watching television does not require one to think but influences their thoughts which later influences their actions. The subconscious believes television is real. Watching television physically damages the brain and reduces intelligence. It also switches brain activity from the left side of the brain which is responsible for logic and critical analysis to the right side of the brain that is responsible for emotional responses. This allows each viewer to be heavily influenced and brainwashed by what they see and hear on TV. By restricting the population from literature and replacing it with televisions, they are decreasing the intelligence within the population making it easier to have full control over the society. Without the education one receives from books these people are simply sheep in a herd following their Sheppard. â€Å"The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that cannot read them† Mark Twain. The society is afraid of being inferior to those who read and understand. All books have meaning. Reading gives people time to think and reflect on not only the text, but their lives as well, â€Å"So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life† (83), books reveal the truth about the world. By burning books the firemen are destroying knowledge and promoting ignorance. This is the reason for all the ignorance and darkness within the society. Due to the lack of literature the people have an uneducated imagination and are therefore unable to see past the governments’ use of rhetoric. the first thing our imaginations have to do for us, as soon as we can handle words well enough to read and write and talk, is to fight to protect us from falling into the illusions that society threatens us with† (Frye 60). Those who are caught reading books are exterminated or taken away to reduce the chances of them spreading their wisdom to others. Those that read are smarter and are seen as a threat to society. These individuals are able to see past society’s use of rhetoric, â€Å"We can see here how the ordinary use of hetoric, which attempts to make society presentable, is becoming hypocritical and disguising the reality it presents beyond the level of social safety† (Frye 61). The rhetoric use of language in this society is to persuade the population into believing that being intellectual is a sin, and books are the cause of this sin, â€Å"So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach mans mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well read man? Me? † (Bradbury 58). Those that did read were able to oppose the use of eloquence. Clarisse was considered abnormal and a threat because she thought about things and often asked why, â€Å"She didn’t want to know how a thing was done, but why. That can be embarrassing. You ask why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy indeed, if you keep at it. The poor girl’s better off dead† (Bradbury 60). Once again rhetoric language is used to justify the death of Clarisse and criticize the use of imagination. The main character Montag is a fireman who also reads books and is smart enough to see the flaws in his society. For this he is considered a burden and wanted by police. Those that read are able to see that there is more to life than pleasure and titillation. â€Å"Forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light† -Plato. The people in this novel are afraid of the light. They are afraid of literature and the truth, knowledge, and all goodness that comes with it. Due to the lack of literature in this society, the population is ignorant and unable to think individually. Because of the ignorance within the population the government has full control over their lives. Each individual deserves the right to live imaginative and free lives. â€Å"The fundamental job of the imagination in ordinary life, then, is to produce, out of the society we have to live in, a vision of the society we want to live in† (Frye 60). Without literature the imagination becomes limited and people are unable to vision the society they want to live in. As the world becomes more modern and grows further, away from literature, society beings to look more like Fahrenheit 451 where citizens are nothing but a sheep in a herd.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Assess the View That Cults and Sects Are Only Fringe Organisations That Are Inevitably Short Lived and of Little Influence in Contemporary Society Essay Example for Free (#2)

Assess the View That Cults and Sects Are Only Fringe Organisations That Are Inevitably Short Lived and of Little Influence in Contemporary Society Essay Contemporary society (12) , Cult (8) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints It can be argued that cults and sects are only fringe organisations that are inevitably short lived and of little influence in contemporary society, however some may have views to contrast this idea. A sect is an organization, which usually breaks off from an established religion, which finds itself in disagreement with beliefs and values of wider society and refuses to tolerate the beliefs of others. Although the desire to be a member is voluntary, as oppose to being born into, like religion, sects are rejected by society and claim strong obligation and commitment by its members. A sect is an extremely narrow-minded organisation, which is often led by a charismatic leader. Whereas, in contrast, a cult does not progress from a mainstream religion and does not reject or challenge societal norms. However, as tolerant of other beliefs as they are, they still attract a great deal of negative press, for example brainwashing. Members in a cult are usually more like customers than followers. An example of a cult is Heavens gate, which is a destructive doomsday cult, centered in California. There is a mass of supporting evidence that cults and sects are short lived and insignificant to wider society. Nevertheless, it must be maintained that the matter is complex as there are many sects and cults, which identify themselves differently. There is evidence to support this view of a short-lived nature of sects. This is due to many reasons. World rejecting sects, due to their nature and succeeding societal rejection and stigma of bad press, must be able to compromise with society and becoming a denomination and therefore cease to be a sect, if this is not done then the sect will die out. There is also an argument that sects cannot have a great deal of affect upon society over a long term period as they cannot survive past the charismatic leader’s lifetime and therefore sustain themselves over more than one generation. The American theologian Niebuhr theorises that another reason for transience of sects is that they rarely live past the 1st generation because the 2nd generation usually lacks the belief of the 1st. In this way, their membership dwindles as the 2nd generation chooses to leave the sect and hold other views in wider society. However Wilson disagrees with Neibuhrs view and says that he overates his case and chooses to not pay attention to groups who did preserve a ‘ distinct sectarian stance’. Similarly, evidence proves to discredit the belief that a sect fails to live on past their leader’s death. For example, The Mormons have continued for many generations and also the Amish- however this could be attributed to the protective ‘isolation-like’ in which they live. There is also a possibility that the Moonies surviving is due to the leader preparing for his son to take over his position as the charismatic leader after his death, however this is yet to be seen. Cults have seen a large incline in their number recently and because they are more accepting of wider society and despite receiving bad press, offer a practical solution to peoples’ issues and wishes, seem less likely to die out due to refusal and disapproval. They are also financially rather stable, the Church of Scientology for example has an estimated income of over  £200m per year. This is down to the consumer attitude of cults. There is also a mass of evidence for their importance in society in a sense that audience cults have a mass market of ‘self help therapy’ there are many books available for example, tarot reading, crystals and reflexology regularly appear on the best seller list and often more room is devoted to these books rather than Christianity books themselves. The view that cults are fringe movements is less supported than that for sects. Sects very infrequently continue on as sects but cults such as scientology are not only prosperous but also have a huge celebrity following trend; admired by the public for example Tom Cruise. There is also evidence that sects and cults can be of great influence to society – though it is debatable as to whether or not that is possible today in a society as apparently secular as ours. Weber suggests in his Theodicy of Disprivilege that because they offer a solution to problems: justification and explanation for life and its problems, to marginalised groups such as dropouts or ethnic minorities, world rejecting sects that offer status appeal to people. An example of this is Liberation Theology which was for the poorer people which had great influence upon the priorities of the Catholic Church in Latin America (though it has become more conservative, it continues to represent human rights and democracy). Bruce argues that it is not a religion and is instead a shallow, meaningless thing. Due to the elements of choice it offers, the choice about which bits to believe and whether to take its readings into account, it does not require commitment. This he argues prevents it having religious status. Post Modernists see it as being spiritual shopping: it is part of a consumerist culture. Despite not necessarily being a religion, there is lots of evidence to show that it has influenced society as a whole and, some sociologists would claim, aided secularisation. There is also evidence to show that it is unlikely to be particularly short lived as it fits in so well with our Capitalist, consumerist society and our individualistic values and is so profitable. Therefore, though there is strong evidence to show that sects and cults are ‘fringe organisations’, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that neither are short lived in themselves either through the Sectarian cycle or demand and supply (though sects tend to become denominations) and also to suggest that the influence of sects and cults on society is greater than expected; though the influence of sects and cults is exemplified by older examples and so one cannot be sure as to how successful they will be in today’s society, except in regards to specific sects and cults. In conclusion, the view that cults, sects are fringe organisations that are inevitably short-lived and of little influence in modern-day society, is on the whole not wholly correct but has some strength in that the permanency of all is arguable as is their status as fringe organisations. Assess the View That Cults and Sects Are Only Fringe Organisations That Are Inevitably Short Lived and of Little Influence in Contemporary Society. (2016, Mar 30). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Congress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Congress - Essay Example The US Congress consists of 435 voting members in the House of Representatives and 100 voting members in the US Senate, totaling to 535 members of the legislature. This paper will seek to discuss the organization and structure of Congress, membership of Congress, general Congressional authority, and modern problems facing Congress. Organization and Structure of Congress The United States Congress’ organizational structure is based on the Constitution, enacted legislation with presidential assent, and rules created by Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress is a bicameral legislature, meaning it is made up of 2 bodies with legislative power; Senate and the House of Representatives (Smith et al, 2011). Prior to being sent to the executive, legislation has to pass through both chambers and approved. The Senate has one hundred members with the US Vice President being the chamber’s president and being the only official ion government who serves in two government br anches, although in a largely ceremonial role and votes when there is a tie. The actual functional leader is the majority Leader of Senate who is selected by either party depending on which has the most members (Smith et al, 2011), while the minority leader is head of the other party. The lower chamber of Congress is the House of Representatives made up of some 435 members with voting privileges. This chamber is led by the House Speaker elected by members of the party with a majority (Smith et al, 2011). The second most powerful member in this chamber is the majority leader of the house whose selection is also carried out by the party with the majority, while the party with the minority is headed by the Minority leader. Because of these differences in organizational structure, the voting rules in both houses are also different. For the House of Representatives, majority vote of those present is considered in passing legislation, while a supermajority of 60 is used in Senate. Subcomm ittees and committees do most of the duties carried out in both chambers of Congress where legislation under proposal is first considered (Smith et al, 2011). If a committee approves legislation, it becomes a bill and moves to the Senate or House of Representatives to be considered and ultimately voted on. Membership in Congress In the House of Representatives, members represent people living in a district and serve for a term of two years. The results of the US Census are used to apportion Congressional Districts to states with each state having at least one congressman or woman. Regardless of census results, every state has two Senators, each of whom serves six years (Bianco, 2010). Election of Senate members is staggered to ensure that a third of the house is up for election after two years. These groups of Senators are referred to as classes and each state has senators from different classes. The House of Representatives, as suggested by its name, is considered the most represen tative for the American population. Tied to their election, members of Congress work for periods of two years, each of which is referred to as a Congress, beginning from the start of the year after an election (Bianco, 2010). In order to become a member of the House of Representatives, one must be 25 years of age, while a Senator must be at least thirty years of age. With regards to citizenship, the US Constitution holds that hopefuls for membership to the House of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Marketing (Jet Star) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategic Marketing (Jet Star) - Assignment Example The key stakeholders of Jetstar are the frequent air travellers and tourists travelling around the world, the government who regulates the law and regulations within the airline industry and supplementary companies that depend heavily on airline industry, companies and industries which directly affect the functioning of airline industry, such as manufacturing, services etc and investors (Lamberg, Savage and Pajunen 2003, 388). 1.3. Overall performance The Jetstar Group is the largest low cost airline in the Asia Pacific by in terms of revenue, the airline carrier is considered as the largest low cost passenger in the Asia pacific region. It has provided service to more than 100 million passengers since its launch in the year 2004. More than 20 million passengers were carried during the fiscal 2011-2012. Jetstar is considered as the fastest-growing airline in the Asia Pacific. It reached this milestone in a short span of seven years. When Jetstar was established in 2004, it had a tota l of 400 employees (Qantas, 2013). Now the number has grown to more than 7,000 across the Asia Pacific today. The Jetstar Group carries off over 3,000 flights a week collectively, to 57 destinations in 16 countries. It also serves the territories across the Asia Pacific region with a fleet of around 95 aircrafts. The airline has shown steady profits since its inception in 2004. The airline recorded an EBIT (Earnings before Interest and Taxes) of 203 million dollars in 2011-12, and a 20 per cent increase on the previous financial year. During the same period the overall capacity of Jetstar increased by 14 percent and the airline carried 20.6 million passengers, registering an 11 percent increase on the last financial year (Qantas, 2013). The total revenue earned by the airline was... Jetstar Airways Private Limited is a part of the Qantas group, as a wholly owned subsidiary. The group company, Qantas was founded in Queensland in the year 1920. The main business of the group includes transportation of customers using their two major airline brands. The group is also involved in subsidiary business, which includes other airlines, and specialist business markets such as catering. Jetstar was established by the Qantas group in the year 2004 as a low-cost service provider. This low cost carrier was established as a part of the group company’s branding strategy, where Qantas focused on the business and premium market and Jetstar focused on leisure market. The mission of Jetstar is to provide every day low fares with the aim of attracting more customers to fly to more places, more often. The objective of the airline is to have the lowest fares on all the routes where it operates and backs every airline fare with a Price Beat Guarantee. Jetstar follow the policy o f giving discount of 10 percent in case the route, the fare and the timings of any rival airlines are comparatively similar. This is the positioning strategy which the company followed to gain a competitive edge. Like others airline companies, Jetstar offers varied services. The aircraft provides business and economy class travelling facilities. The airline operates both domestic as well as international flights. The airline provides specific facilities for customers according to their requests. The airline is divided into six group companies. Jetstar has its operations in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, New Zealand and Singapore. Jetstar New Zealand and Australia are wholly owned subsidiaries of the parent group, Qantas.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nursing Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing Philosophy - Essay Example People become patients when they seek assistance because of illness or for surgery. Some nurses believe that the word patient implies passive acceptance of the decisions and care of health professionals. With the emphasis on health promotion and prevention of illness, many recipients of nursing care are not ill. Moreover, nurses interact with family members and others to provide support, information, and comfort in addition to caring for the patient. For these reasons, nurses increasingly refer to recipients of health care as clients. A client is a person who engages the advice or service of another who is qualified to provide this service. The term client presents the receivers of health care as collaborators in the care, that is, as people who are also responsible for their own health. In 1995, the American Nurses Association (ANA) recognized the influence and contribution of the science of caring to nursing philosophy and practice. Their most recent definition of nursing acknowledges few essential features of contemporary nursing practice. (p.8) People's health beliefs influence their health practices. Thus a nurse's health values and practices may differ form those of a client. Nurses need to ensure that a plan of care developed for an individual relates to the clients conception of health. People are becoming increasingly aware of their environment and how it affects t

Strategic Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Planning - Essay Example Strategic planning may be one individual’s job, but it gets very risky when it is so. To make strategic planning practicable, it is imperative that teamwork is involved in this process. Strategic planning is based on cooperation among the team members that make it. Different people have specific skills and expertise in different fields. Strategic planning, particularly in the contemporary age, is based on the cooperation of experts having specific skills in distinct fields including technology, planning, and management. Coordination is fundamental to the success of strategic planning. Planning is made strategic when a team of experts from different origins and backgrounds and having association with different organizations, cultures, or subcultures are united at one platform and are told the objective that needs to be achieved. â€Å"†¦engaged leadership in the whole process of strategic planning including the implementation, particularly with regard to the three Cs is t he key to success† (Zomorrodian, 2011, p. 1130). Hence, the role and importance of the three C’s in the process of strategic planning cannot be overemphasized. Strategic planning can be understood as assessment of an organization’s needs for the advancement of its goals and missions in a particular time period. When collaboration is integrated into this process, it provides the organization with a way to exchange knowledge, skills, and competencies with different people participating in the process so that the goals can be modified and development can be ensued. This imparts the need to have enough resources as well as a culture that appreciates and encourages cooperation and teamwork. Cooperation plays the role of a catalyst when integrated in the process of strategic planning as it counteracts competition among the team members. Cooperation means development of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Above-The-Line and Below-The-Line Advertising. Are they still Relevant Essay

Above-The-Line and Below-The-Line Advertising. Are they still Relevant - Essay Example 4).Traditionally, promotional activities are divided into above-the-line (ATL) and below-the-line (BTL). Mass media advertising through television, newspapers, radio, cinema, and outdoor advertising are above-the-line or ATL. All new communication tools are regarded as below-the-line or BTL measures (Muller, Florian, and Daniel, 2011, p. 4). Advertising is the most critical communication tool in the marketing mix (Meffert, Burmann, and Kirchgeorg, 2008).The terms ATL and BTL advertising came from agencies' balance sheets where different types of media are listed. Agency received a commission for ATL activities from media, while a separate fee is taken for BTL activities (Brierley, 2005, p.42). Despite its history, the division is fading as marketers' prefer a 3600 approach for their marketing activities today. This paper explores the terms above-the-line and below-the-line and their relevance, and identifies that the division is irrelevant when it comes to today's marketing practices . Above The Line Advertising Right from the early days, advertising activities are classified as: above-the-line (ATL) or below-the-line (BTL). Generally, mass media advertising is considered to be above the line advertising. It is conducted through television, newspapers, radio, and internet (Gaerig, 2012). ... nce, a product sample or coupon.BTL advertising methods include: price promotions and discounting, gift with purchase, loyalty incentives, coupons, prizes, competitions, monetary refunds, and point-of-sale display.BTL advertising is also considered to be "out of home" advertising or "direct marketing". Direct marketing, such as, direct mail, yellow pages, and telemarketing has been incorporated in the advertising expenses from past several years (Gaerig, 2012, p. 9). Smith and Jonathan (2004) argue that BTL is every other (than advertising) communication tool excluding sales force. Sales force is not included in either category. Most often, BTL refers to sales promotion and public relations (p.23). According to Winterberry Group's report (2006) on tracking the trends, ATL advertising includes traditional marketing channels targeted for mass audience. It includes message that reinforces: brand, general information about product or service, or stimulate an emotional response. On the ot her hand, BTL advertising initiatives work like traditional direct marketing efforts. They aim to establish targeted relationship between individual consumer and marketer. It also offers a comparable simplicity in measurements.ATL includes the measurable media (TV, radio, print, outdoor, and yellow pages) while BTL includes direct mail, direct response print, event marketing, direct response broadcast, and promotional and interactive marketing. The Line and its Relevance The concept of "line" originated from advertising accountancy during 1950s. It seems that marketing industry has always been discussed and distinguished by "the line. Both marketers and agencies are categorized on the basis of their expertise in either above-the-line or below-the-line advertising. Most often, marketers

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Stats 2 wk1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stats 2 wk1 - Assignment Example 4. H4: Framing of coupon savings message interacts with consumer’s choice of brands. More well-known brands are chosen with a prevention focus framing while less known brands are chosen when coupons are framed as promotions. 5. H5: Expiration date restriction interacts with consumers’ choice of brands. Familiar brands are chose if expiration date is immediate while less known brands are chosen with a longer expiration timeframe. In the first laboratory experiment 116 undergraduate students of age 18-25 participated. A 2 x 2 x 2 mixed-factorial design was considered with two levels of regulatory focus, two levels of message frame and two levels of brand familiarity. Eight product categories were selected, each with two levels of brands. As expected, type of brand showed significance. Significant interaction was found between regulatory focus and message frame indicating support of H1. Significant interaction was also observed between regulatory focus and brand choice, supporting H3. Significant interaction was also found between message frame and brand preference, indicating support of H4. In the second laboratory experiment 95 undergraduate students participated. They were classifies according to their self-concepts as consumers. Again a 2 x 2 x 2 mixed factorial design was used and attitude towards advertisement was measured. It was observed that regulatory focus had an effect on overall shopping behavior. When shoppers were focused on their ideals, longer time horizon led to higher purchase of un-promoted brands (H2). The third experiment was performed in a grocery shop with 212 participants who were handed out a discount coupon each. The framing on the coupon was either gain oriented or no-loss oriented and the expiration date was either immediate or with a longer horizon. Interaction between regulatory message and coupon saving message was observed. Significant interaction was also observed between

Friday, August 23, 2019

Black Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Black Enlightenment - Essay Example The role of Black intellectuals in the era of Black Enlightenment is extraordinary. Some of the prominent Black intellectual of the time were Phillis Wheatley and Benjamin Benneker. Phillis Wheatley was like a role model not only for the African Americans but also for the White Americans. She had transformed from a slave into a highly confident, courageous, and intellectually enriched poet and analyst. Phillis Wheatley wrote a letter to an American Indian minister named Samson Occom in 1774. At that time, tensions between England and the American colonies had increased. In her letter, Phillis Wheatley expressed her desire and need for personal liberty, natural rights, and establishment of the divine order. She believed that emergence of order in Africa and Christianity would mutually result in termination of the Atlantic trade of slaves. â€Å"How well the cry for Liberty, and the reverse Disposition for the exercise of oppressive Power over others agree, I humbly think it does not require the Penetration of a Philosopher to determine† (Wheatley cited in Gates 1987 p. 77). ... â€Å"decidedly negro† from his appearance, Benjamin Banneker mastered the Greek and Latin languages and alongside acquired good knowledge of French and German using his white neighbor’s library. Benjamin Banneker referred to the Declaration of Independence in these words holding Thomas Jefferson accountable for the continued existence of Black slavery in America, â€Å"You were then impressed with†¦the free possession of those blessings, to which you were entitled by nature; but, Sir, how pitiable is it to reflect, that although you were so fully convinced of the benevolence of the Father of Mankind, and of his equal and impartial distribution of these rights and privileges. . . that you should at the Same time counteract His mercies, in detaining by fraud and violence so numerous a part of my brethren, under groaning captivity and cruel oppression† (Banneker cited in Wallenfeldt 2011 p. 24). Black Enlightenment was the age when Black people came to realize through personal experience and witnessing that if they establish close ties with religion and education, they can solve their problems and work toward establishing a respectable lifestyle for themselves on equal basis with the White Americans. Although Black intellectuals had to overcome a lot of obstacles and muster up a lot of courage to speak on national and international platforms, yet with their courage and determination, they took such measures that left a powerful effect on the psychology and understanding toward the Black people of the White Americans. Black churches were not only the places of spiritual rejuvenation and practice of religious festivals, but also serves as places of union for the Black community where they could share their experiences and give each other love and hope. To conclude, Black

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Unemployment Essay Example for Free

Unemployment Essay In every society there will always be a number of people who are unemployed. Unemployment is when there are people in our society who desire work but are unable to obtain it because of the fact that there are not enough jobs for everyone. There are many factors that can cause unemployment but one of the biggest factors is lack of private investment. This is caused by private companies not expanding their activities fast or not expanding them fast enough. Another main factor of unemployment is the increase of labour costs. Labour costs are the wages and salaries businesses have to pay their employees. This is a bad thing because if there wages and salaries increase to fast or are already high then businesses won’t be able to afford to pay the employees so they have to fire them. One final cause of unemployment is when there is a depression in the world economy. This is when countries of the world are going bad in there economy and cannot afford to buy as many exports as they would be able to previously. There are no positive aspects of unemployment and is really bad for the production of the economy. This means that we are wasting our resources because instead of producing goods and services with them we aren’t doing anything with them. But this isn’t the only effect of unemployment, people’s income will also change and it will cause more poverty. Unemployment also reduces the amount of tax paid to the government which means that the government will be losing money because since less people are working the government is getting less income tax but with whatever money they get they have to pay all the unemployed people and this is how the government gets into a lot of debt. Long-term unemployment is when people have been unemployed for 12 months or more. This is a very serious matter because when you have been unemployed for so long you have a high risk of poverty. Long term unemployment also places a strain on the government because they have to support without getting much tax revenue. Unemployment, particularly long term unemployment, is the most savage cause of poverty and disadvantage in our community. It is the cause of enormous personal and financial hardship for hundreds of thousands of people and their families. Unemployment is the greatest determiner of poverty and exclusion–and that is why the fight against unemployment is so critically important. However it is said that this battle can only result in victory by concentrating on providing jobs and opportunities rather than penalties or slogans. The importance of employment can only be explained, in that undertaking paid work fulfils many functions in our society. Employment is the main way of receiving money and thus survival, but we also often gain our sense of identity, self-worth and social connections through the paid work we do. Unemployment is the condition of one who is capable of working, actively seeking work but is unable to secure a paid job. However, it is essential to note that to be considered unemployed, a person must be an active member of the labour force and in search of remunerative work. In March 2002, the ABS estimated that 622,300 people were unemployed in Australia at a rate of 6. 3 per cent. This is disturbing, in itself, but the figures would be even higher if the definition of unemployment was not so narrow. While the unemployment rate is useful, it also has some very real limitations. It does not represent what jobs are disappearing or being created, whether they are part-time or full-time, permanent or casual. It also does not reflect upon whether people are working too many hours or not enough hours, or the amount of time they remain without work. Unemployment is not a problem solely for those without paid work; it is a problem for all of us. If people have no money to spend, local businesses do not sell their products and this spiraling effect can impact on entire economies. People face a number of barriers to employment. The primary barrier is that there are not enough jobs for those who wish to undertake paid employment. In February 2002 there were still seven job-seekers for every job vacancy. There are also not enough supports available for people seeking paid work, such as access to affordable child care and rehabilitation or support mechanisms for people with disabilities. Also, paradoxically, people are often considered too young or too old by prospective employers, so age can also be a barrier to employment. Other barriers relate to where people are living. There are differences between rural and urban levels of unemployment, and also stark differences between suburbs in all major Australian cities. The unemployment rate is a figure produced monthly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). An unemployed person is defined by the ABS as someone not in paid employment who is actively looking for work. Anyone who is doing paid work for at least one hour a week is not considered to be unemployed. Many people are marginally attached to the labour orce–they want to work but are not actively seeking employment. Sometimes people stop looking for work because they are under the misleading impression that they won’t be successful. These discouraged job seekers may believe they are too old, or too young, or do not possess the skills an employer would want. This is hidden unemployment. The other large group of people not represented in the statistics are those who are working but would prefer to work more hours, the underemployed. In February 2002, over 27 per cent of part-time workers wanted to work more hours . Three sources of data are used to calculate the figures representing the labour force in regard to unemployment. These involve the monthly labour force survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, statistics from the Job Network and statistics from Centrelink. Also, the Australian Bureau of Statistics take sit further in that they attempt to categorize the final statistics into sections involving age, region, sex, occupation and education. Currently, as previously mentioned, the Australian Bureau of Statistics states that the unemployment rate in Australia is approximately 6. % and nevertheless, this figure does not encapsulate hidden employment. Unfortunately, anyone can become unemployed readily. Statistically, however, indigenous Australians, recently arrived migrants, people with disabilities, young people and older workers who have been retrenched are most likely to be unemployed. People living in remote and rural communities also have higher rates of unemployment. The graph above shows the percentages of people in different age groups who were unemployed and looking for work in March 2002. Youth unemployment is very high across Australia. There are, however, fewer young people looking for work than in the past, as more undertake education and training before entering into the job market. Within the last two budgets, the Howard Government have attempted several tactics involving policies and the like to lower the unemployment rate in Australia. The centrepiece of the 2002 budget involved the Welfare Reform Package, which entailed many new policies to hopefully effectively reduce unemployment in Australia. This was designed to provide higher levels of service and support to those having difficulty with acquiring employment. This new system features policies where sole parents who wish to retain benefits they receive as an unemployed citizen and support a child between 12 and 15 years of age is required to attend an annual meeting at Centrelink, or a program which involves the undertaking of community service and/. or part time work. Those over the age of 50 are now required to claim identical benefits tot hose under, as opposed to the previous Mature Age Allowance or Partner Allowance. Training credits will be offered, but conversely mutual obligation requirements were introduced. Finally, all unemployed people face new requirements as soon as they have bee without employment for over 3 months, and are requested to attend interviews and job help programs to assist them in their search. Although Australians who are unemployed receive government assistance if they meet certain requirements, unemployment benefits leave many to survive below the poverty line. Governments play a pivotal role investing in research and development and social infrastructure (health, education and community services). Job creation is vital if the unemployment rate is to be reduced. If governments make such investments, this will not only maintain the fabric of society, but will create many meaningful employment opportunities. An important aspect of unemployment is the length of time people are without work. Long-term unemployment is a major problem in Australia. In March 2002, 24. 7 per cent of unemployed people had been without work for a year or more; of this group, 57. 2 per cent had been unemployed for over two years. It is estimated that one in five poor Australians are in paid work but are still almost unable to support themselves, and are known as–the ‘working poor’. Many people in Australia also get trapped in the cycle of insecure low-paid casual jobs, followed by periods spent living on income support. This growing number of people highlights the importance of creating quality jobs. Personally, I believe that whilst many effective strategies are in place to reduce unemployment in Australia, and in fact the rate of unemployment is lower than it has been in many years, more can be done to assist those unfortunate people. It has been said that the first step is to acknowledge that unemployment is a structural problem, not one of lazy individuals. This indicates that governments have a role to play in developing appropriate policy: as unemployment may be exacerbated by government policy it can similarly be alleviated by political intervention. A policy to reduce unemployment very substantially has a much greater chance of success if it is based on increased government expenditure. Some regions have been particularly hard hit, with industries that have previously provided the bulk of employment closing down or moving elsewhere. In some of these areas people from business, governments and the community have started working together to generate employment and strengthen local economies. In order to gain employment people need appropriate skills, so access to training is vital. Labour market programs that offer real and relevant training are needed not schemes which appear to blame unemployed people for their difficulties, with little focus on job placement and support. Whilst many occupations have placed several people out of work due to lack of demand, in opposition many professions require increased numbers of people to fill the demand in Australia. Programs should be established for the encouragement and training of those who require work in these fields, as this would doubly regard both the country and the people of it. In termination, unemployment is an involuntary condition, which not only affects those engulfed by it, but those who surround such people. In Australia, in my opinion we are blessed to live in such a democratic society, yet where the government takes an active interest in the plight of the people and thus encourages independence. The unemployment issues in Australia are countless, yet they are not without solution. In years to come, it is likely that our unemployment rate shall continue to decrease, due to the unfailing efforts of our government and citizens.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Submit Gulf Real Estate Properties Essay Example for Free

Submit Gulf Real Estate Properties Essay Many people dream of having a home with an ocean view from their home. Being able to walk onto your patio, sit, and admire a sunset sound like a scene in a Nicholas Sparks’ novel. So it should come to no surprise that homes with a scenic ocean view can demand a high price in the real estate market. Below you will see just how different the price from a sample of Florida condominiums sold with and without views of the Gulf of Mexico can demand. The Gulf Real Estate Properties, Inc has provided data from 58 condominiums they have sold. The sample is broken up into 40 condominiums with Gulf of Mexico views, and 18 without. Module 5: Gulf Real Estate Properties Mean â€Å"The mean is the average of the numbers. In other words it is the sum divided by the count,† (Math is Fun, 2014). Finding the mean of each sample of data is rather easy, you add them up and divide by the sample size. In every category the condominiums with a view out performed the other condominiums. The mean of the Gulf View Condominiums’ List Price and Sale Price are higher, and the number of days it takes to sell the home is less. To simplify the Gulf View Condominiums sell for more and quicker. Gulf View Condominiums have a mean price of 600.73, while No Gulf View Condominiums have a mean of 204.95. The difference between these two numbers could be argued that Gulf of Mexico views can increase a home’s selling price by almost three times its current asking price. Like the List Price the Sale Price mean favors the Gulf View Condominiums. The average Sale Price of the Gulf View Condominiums is 578.86, whereas the No Gulf View Condominiums have an average o f 196.43. The one statistic that No Gulf View Condominiums do not want to be higher than the Gulf View Condominiums is the one statistic that they are higher on. When you are trying to sell a home, you do not want it to take forever. The No Gulf View Condominiums take a mean of 237.45 days to sell, compared to Gulf View Condominiums taking only 184.9 days. That is a difference of 52.55, or a week shy of two months more to sell a condominium. When you look at the difference of the List Price subtracted by the Sale Price, a real estate agent could make it look in favor of the Gulf View Condominiums. The Gulf View Condominiums have a difference of  21.87, whereas the No Gulf View Condominiums is only 8.52. This difference makes it look like No Gulf View Condominiums sell closer to their list price, but this is untrue. Instead of subtracting the mean Sale Price from the List Price, and you divide the Sale Price by the List Price you get the percentile of the difference. In doing this you learn that on average the Gulf View Condominiums retain 96.36% of their listing price, where as the No Gulf View Condominiums only retain 95.85%. So not only do the gulf view homes list and sell for more quickly but they also sell closer to their list value. Mode â€Å"The mode is the value that occurs with the greatest frequency,† (Fundamentals of Business Statistics, 2011). The only category that both the condominiums have a mode in is the List Price. No Gulf View Condominiums have a mode List Price of 203 and Gulf View Condominiums have a mode of 336. This information could be used to skew information showing that the List Price between the two categories is closer than they actually are. Range The range of data is the largest value subtracted with the lowest value. The range can show the vast difference between homes. The Gulf View Condominiums have significantly higher List Price and Sale Price. This is reasonable conclusion as Gulf View Condominiums have created a more â€Å"dream home,† market. The Gulf View Condominiums List Price and Sales Price are 819 and 813.3, compared to No Gulf View Condominiums 168 and 160.9. Another way to show the extreme price range of the Gulf View Condominiums comparing the fact that the No Gulf View Condominiums highest selling home is a List Price of 299 and Sales Price of 282.6, and the Gulf View Condominium is 974 and 958.4 respectively. That is well over three times the value of No Gulf View Condominiums highest selling condominium. Days to Sell are the one range that is similar, although it still by far favors the Gulf View Condominiums. Gulf View Condominiums have a range of 252, whereas the No Gulf View Condominiums is 339. This makes a difference of 87; almost three months higher for No Gulf View Condominiums. This means property owners without a Gulf of Mexico view should be prepared that if they sell their home it could sit significantly longer on the market. Median and Inter-quartiles Range The inter-quartile range is away to overcome extreme values in the data. The second inter-quartile is also the median. The median for our sample is the average of the middle two observations in any column. The inter-quartile range is another tool that shows the discrepancy between the two condominiums. The Gulf View Condominiums first inter-quartile’s List Price and Sale Price is higher than the No Gulf View Condominiums fourth inter-quartile respectively. This shows that the bottom 25% of the Gulf View Condominiums are out listing and selling all of the No Gulf View Condominiums. In all of the Days to Sell inter-quartiles ranges Margin of Error With a margin of error you are essentially trying to find out how big of a change your calculations can be off. Think of senators in Congress. Every state has two senators, and if both senators in Colorado voted â€Å"yes,† on a bill does that mean every person residing in Colorado wanted that bill to pass? No, what it would mean, hopefully, is that the majority of the state would want it to pass. One way that you can assist in making a margin of error being more accurate is by making the sample size closer to the population. For example, Colorado’s House of Representatives would be more likely to vote accordingly with its state’s population than the Senate because it has seven representatives versus two. Unfortuanetely in our condominium war both the List Price and Sale Price margin of error is higher with Gulf View Condominiums. Despite Gulf Real Estate Properties Inc providing more data for the Gulf View Condominiums, these condominiums had a larger margin of error than the No Gulf View Condominiums. The reason for this is the fact that the List and Sale Price range of Gulf View Condominiums were also so much more spread out. The only area in the margin of error field that the Gulf View Condominiums beat the No Gulf View Condominiums is in the Days to Sell, this makes sense as Gulf View Condominiums proved a larger sample size and a smaller Days to Sell range for the calculations. Problem Solving For the branch managers desired sample size I came up with a sample size of 31 for the Gulf View Condominiums, and a sample size of 14 for the No Gulf View Condominiums. As for what the two List Price should sell for I found  the Gulf View to sell for approximately $567,562 and the No Gulf View to sell for $273,156. Conclusion While the No Gulf View Condominiums did have a smaller margin of error in almost every other category they were less successful. It comes as no surprise that ocean view properties would out sell non-ocean view properties in Florida. The good news for Gulf Real Estate Properties Inc is that this gives them opportunities of investment on properties. If the company was asked to sell a property that was in the lower inter-quartile, they could potentially purchase it themselves, remodel it, and sell if for a price closer to their third inter-quartile. Also, the information gathered regarding the price discrepancies between the two groups can help real estate agents direct future clients to specific homes based on their wants, needs, and price points. References Math is Fun. (2014). How to Find the Mean. Retrieved from Sweeney, D., Williams, T., Anderson, D. (2011). Measures of Location. Fundamentals of Business Statistics 6th Edition. South-Western Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Theories of the process of lateralization

Theories of the process of lateralization The apparent specialization of the left hemisphere for language is usually described in terms of lateral dominance or lateralization. Lateralization process begins in early childhood. It coincides with the period during which language acquisition takes place. During childhood, there is a period when the human brain is most ready to receive input and learn a particular language. This is known as the critical period. The general view is that the critical period for first language acquisition lasts from birth until puberty. This process of development is called Maturation. The idea of a critical period for development of particular processes is not unique to humans. Songbirds display hemispheric specialization in that only one hemisphere controls singing. There are three accounts of how lateralization emerges (Bates Roe, 2001; Tomas, 2003). The equipotentiality hypothesis states that the two hemispheres are similar at birth with respect to language, each able in principle to acquire the processes responsible for language, with the left hemisphere maturing to become specialized for language functions. The irreversible determinism hypothesis states that the left side is specialized for language at birth and the right hemisphere only takes over language functions if the left is damaged over a wide area (Rasmussen Milner, 1975; Woods Carey, 1979). Irreversible determinism says that language has an affinity for the left hemisphere because of innate anatomical organization, and will not abandon it unless an entire center is destroyed. The critical difference between the equipotentiality and irreversible determinism hypotheses is that in the former, either hemisphere can become specialized for language, but in the latter, the left hemisphere becomes specialized for language unless there is a very good reason otherwise. The emergentist account brings together these two extremes, saying that the two hemispheres of the brain are characterized at birth by innate biases in types of information processing that are not specific to language processing, such that the left hemisphere is better suited to being dominant, although both hemispheres play a role acquiring language (Lidzha Krageloh-Mann, 2005). The Critical Period Hypothesis is the best-known version of the equipotentiality hypothesis. Lenneberg (1967) argued that a birth the left and right hemispheres of the brain are equipotential. There is no cerebral asymmetry at birth; instead lateralization occurs as a result of maturation. The process of lateralization develops rapidly between the ages of 2 and 5 years, and then slows down, being complete by puberty. The completion of lateralization means the end of the critical period. There are many theories about Critical Period Hypothesis, some of them confirm the existence of a critical period in acquiring a language and others bring this existence into question or make a distiction between the presence of a critical period in FLA and SLA. The idea of a Critical Period Hypothesis comes from the nativists, lead by Lenneberg and Chomsky, whose explanation is that there is a critical period because the brain is pre-programmed to acquire language early in development. Bever (1981) argued that it is a normal property of growth, arising from a loss of plasticity as brain cells and processes become more specialized and more independent. The Critical Period Hypothesis of Lenneberg (1967) comprises two related ideas, The first idea is that certain biological events related to language development can only happen in an early critical period. In particular, hemispheric specialization takes place during the critical period, and during this time children possesses a degree of flexibility that is lost when the critical period is finished. The second component of the Critical Period Hypothesis is that certain linguistic events must happen to the child during this period for development to proceed normally. Proponents of this theory argue that language is acquired most efficiently during the critical period. The most important idea of Critical Period Hypothesis is that unless children receive linguistic input during the critical period, they will be unable to acquire language normally. One of the most famous of these cases was the Wild Boy of Aveyron, a child found in isolated woods in south of France in 1800. Despite attempts by an educationalist named Dr Itard to socialize the boy, given the name Victor, and to teach him language, he never learned more than two words. It is less easy to apply this argument to the unfortunate child known as Genie. Genie was a child who was apparently normal at birth, but suffered severe linguistic deprivation. From the age of 20 months until she was 13 years and 9 months, when she was found, she had been isolated in a small room. Not surprisingly, Genies linguistic abilities were virtually non-existent. Critical period in SLA Theories in favour of the existence of a critical period in SLA According to the nativist theory, once the critical period is over, usually postulated to be sometime during puberty, it is assumed that a person who begins to learn a L2 will be unable to achieve the native-like competence and performance in it. The basic assumption of a biologically determined critical period is that some essential capacities of younger children are not available to adult learners. One such capacity is the learners access to Universal Grammar, that is, the innate system of linguistic categories, mechanisms and constraints shared by all human languages (Chomsky, 1995). Mark Patkowski hypothesized that only those who had begun learning their second language before the age of fifteen could ever achieve full, native-like mastery of that language. These results gave added support to the Critical Period Hypothesis for second language acquisition. Theories against the existence of a critical period in SLA There are two reasons for rejecting a strong version of the Critical Period Hypothesis. Children can acquire some language outside of the critical period, and lateralization does not occur wholly within it. A critical period appears to be involved in early phonological development and the development of syntax. The weakened version is often called a sensitive period hypothesis. There is a sensitive period for language acquisition, but it seems confined to complex aspects of syntactic processing. (BialystokHakuta, 1994). Locke (1997), argues that a sensitive period arises because of the interplay of developing specialized neural systems, early perceptual experience, and discontinuities in linguistic development. Lack of appropriate activation during development acts like physical damage to some areas of the brain. The distinction between the Critical Period Hypothesis and the sensitive period hypothesis is whether acquisition is possible only within the definite span of age or easier within the period. Seligers proposal (1978), is that there may be multiple critical or sensitive periods for different aspects of language. The maturational explanation is that certain advantages are lost as the childs cognitive and neurological system matures. In particular, what might first appear to be a limitation of the immature cognitive system might turn out to be an advantage for the child learning language. The results of experimental studies have two important implications for adult second language learning. One is that childrens acquisition of a foreign language is different from that of adults. The other is that acquisition of pronunciation and grammar is also different because it involves a problem of physiologic aging process. Adults can learn the grammar of a new language more easily and rapidly than children but that they retain foreign accents. Theories that consider the existence of a critical period in FLA but not in SLA It is widely believed that the ability to acquire language declines with increasing age. Today it is generally agreed that a critical period does exist for first language acquisition but the hypothesis is not as uniformly accepted as applicable to SLA. When considering separately the time required for L2 learning and the ultimate success achieved in the L2, some researchers suggested a compromise conclusion that older is faster but younger is better. At initial stages of L2 acquisition, older learners were at an advantage in rate of acquisition but only in limited aspects. In a recent critical review of the Critical Period Hypothesis literature, Marinova observed that, despite general perceptions that older learners are slower L2 learners, the research has long revealed that, in fact, older learners are faster in process of L2 acquisition, especially at the initial stages. Theoretically, if the critical period for L2 acquisition exists, and older learners are strictly at a disadvantage due to age and some biological or maturation constraints, then all late L2 learners should be performing well below the younger learners. However, many studies, whether supporting of challenging the Critical Period Hypothesis, have shown that younger learners tend to perform fairly similarly to one another, while generally older learners show greater variation in their L2 performances. The effects of the L2 learning process and the type of L2 learning environment have been studied more formally on a larger scale. It has been argued that if adults are able to learn an L2 implicitly in more natural settings, similar to the way children learn language, then they may achieve similar levels of performance at a faster rate (Neufeld). The Critical Period Hypothesis has traditionally been used to explain why second language acquisition is difficult for older children and adults. Johnson and Newport (1989) examined the way in which the critical period hypothesis might account for second language acquisition. They distinguished two hypotheses, both of which assume that humans have a superior capacity for learning language early in life. According to the maturational state hypothesis, this capacity disappears or declines as maturation progresses, regardless of other factors. The exercise hypothesis further states that unless this capacity is exercised early, it is lost. Both hypotheses predict that children will be better than adults in acquiring the first language. The exercise hypothesis predicts that as long as a child has acquired a first language during childhood, the ability to acquire other languages will remain intact and can be used at any age. The maturational hypothesis predicts that children will be superi or at second language learning, because the capacity to acquire language dismisses with age. Are children in fact better than adults at learning language? The evidence is not clear-cut as is usually thought. Snow (1983) concluded that contrary to popular opinion, adults are in fact no worse than young children at learning a second language, and indeed might even be better. Children spend much more time than adults learning the language. Snow and Hoefnagel-Hohle (1978) compared English children with English adults in their first year of living in the Netherlands learning to speak Dutch. The young children 3-4 years old, performed worst of all. In addition, a great deal of the advantage for young children usually attributed to the critical period may be explicable in terms of differences in the type and amount of information available to learners. There is also a great deal of variation: some adults are capable of near-native performance on a second language, whereas some children are less successful. They proposed that there is a change in maturational state, from plasticity to a steady state, at about age 16. The younger a person is, the better they seem to acquire a second language. There is evidence for a critical period for some aspects of syntactic development and, even more strongly, for phonological development. However, rather than any dramatic discontinuity, decline seems to be gradual. Second language acquisition is not a perfect test of the hypothesis, however, because the speakers have usually acquired at least some of a first language. Lenneberg supplied some evidence to support the CPH and he found that injuries to the right side caused more language problems in children than in adults. He also provided evidence to show that whereas children rapidly recovered total language control after such operations, and adults did not so, but instead continued to display permanent linguistic impairment. However, this evidence doesnt demonstrate that is easier to acquire a language before puberty. In fact he assumed that LA was easy for children. The CPH is an inadequate account of the role played in SLA, because this assumption was only partially correct. Only where pronunciation is concerned is an early start an advantage, and even then only in terms of success, not rate of acquisition. Developmental changes in the brain, it is argued, affect the nature of language acquisition, and language learning that occurs after the end of the critical period may not be based on the innate biological structures believed to contribute to first language acquisition or second language acquisition in early childhood. Rather, older learners may depend on more general learning abilities. In educational settings, learners who begin learning a second language at primary school level do not always achieve greater proficiency in the long run than those who begin in adolescence. The Critical Period Hypothesis is a particularly relevant case in point. This is the claim that there is, indeed, an optimal period for language acquisition, ending at puberty. However, in its original formulation (Lenneberg 1967), evidence for its existence was based on the relearning of impaired L1 skills, rather than the learning of a second language under normal circumstances. Conclusion As well as there is an agreement that corroborates the Critical Period Hypothesis set up by the nativists during the L1 acquisition, there is not such agreement when considering L2 acquisition. Contrary to what was thought about the impossibility to acquire an L2 after the end of the critical period, there is some evidence that show learning an L2 after puberty is also achievable. The theories that support this idea say that an adult or an adolescent learner will be able to acquire a native-like mastery in the L2 as a younger learner will do. Since the study of human brain is still very limited, some theorists contradict the non-presence of a critical period in SLA. For this reason, although it seems to be a prevalent theory about this aspect, it will be difficult to arrive to a general consensus.

Sophocles Antigone - Creons Fatal Flaw Essay -- Antigone essays

Antigone - Creon's Fatal Flaw A master artisan and innovator of the Greek tragedy, Sophocles' insightful plays have held their value throughout countless time periods and societies. Through the use of common literary techniques, Sophocles was able to express themes and ideas that reflect all of humankind. On particular idea was that Sophocles believed that hubris is destructive and will eventually lead to one's demise. Creon, the proud king of Thebes has such a fatal flaw. His hubris alienates Teiresias, Haimon, and his people. Teiresias attempts to explain to Creon the severity of Creon's actions, but Creon only shuns Teiresias. No matter how potent the signs, Creon "would not yield," (Scene 5, Line 47). Creon's hubris prevents him from recognizing his self- destructive behavior. Instead, he accuses Teiresias of disloyalty and succumbing to bribery. He feels Teiresias has "sold out" (Scene 5, Line 65) and that Creon was "the butt for th...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

ISO 9000 standards can be defined as a series of international set standards used by companies to perfect on their quality. These standards were enacted by experts derived from different parts of the world. ISO 9000 Series Standards acts as guideline how companies are mandated to ensure their suppliers have accurate and appropriate quality systems. Basically, ISO 9000 Series Standards was initially developed with support from major credible international bodies obligated to ensure standardization in both quality management and assurance in all companies. ISO 9000 standards were initiated, developed and maintained by a credible organization known as International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards have been adapted by many countries globally approximated to be over 90 countries. Essentially, these standards were established with purpose of promoting international trade between different counties which outlines a set of requirements which should be adhered to by all stakeholders. As a matter of fact, ISO 9000 Series Standards is one of the major products used many companies worldwide. ISO 9000 Series Standards was first enacted and published in the year 1987. The Standards was developed with help of selected technical committee focusing more on issues concerning quality. After its publication, the standards have undergone several amendments and changes as evidenced by a major revision done in 2000. Quality is essential on every products and services offered by every company. Quality production being one major area of concern cites the reason why it is vital for companies to observe and maintain ISO 9000 Series Standards. Many companies worldwide are striving hard to ensure their products meets th... ... The standards were established in 1987, by a selected technical committee from different corners of the world. These standards were initiated, developed and maintained by a credible organization known as International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently, many companies in over 90 countries have adopted these standards. These Standards acts as guideline how companies mandated to ensure that their suppliers have accurate and appropriate quality systems. ISO 9000 standards are vital to every company or small businesses. They play huge roles in ensuring quality of products is not at all compromised in order to guarantee customers satisfaction. As observed despite many advantages allied with ISO 9000, it has its own disadvantages. These include the involved cost, consumers a lot of time, drawbacks for the employees and emphasizes on heavy documentation.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Compare and contrast the variety of attitudes to marriage as expressed

Compare and contrast the variety of attitudes to marriage as expressed by different characters in Pride and Prejudice. Pride and Prejudice is one of the most famous novels in the history of English Literature. Written in the year of 1813 by the very well known author, Jane Austen, whose novels all examine the nature of love. The general tone of the novel is light, but serious. Pride and Prejudice is a story that focuses on the life of marriage, it is full of love. Money and wealth is also a main aspect of the book. Marriage in Pride and Prejudice is acknowledged in that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. The first sentence of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice could not have better prepared the reader for the rest of the novel. The thread that sews together the lives of all the characters in the novel is the establishment of marriage. Jane Austen uses the Bennet family of Longbourn to illustrate the good and bad reasons behind marriage. Mrs. Bennet is an irritating woman whose main goal in life is to get her five daughters married. It might be correct in assuming that she felt social and financial pressure to do so. Her husband's estate was entailed to his nephew, Mr. Collins, when Mr. Bennet was to pass away. Therefore, Mrs. Bennet wanted her daughters to have financial stability elsewhere in case of their father's death. In the time period of this story there was very little social acceptance of women who were single their whole lives. For the most part, women could not acquire money on their own without inheriting or marrying into good fortune. Women who could not find a husband were often referred to as â€Å"old maids† and lived their whole lives with their p... ...daughters were pleasant and appear to be ideal. Jane had longed for Mr. Bingley for quite a while. Bingley was handsome, rich, kind, and well liked. He and Jane shared many conversations and had complimentary personalities. They were pleasantly matched and I believe that they shared a happy life together. Elizabeth (the main character in the novel) and Darcy's marriage was an excellent match. Though she thought him a cold, aloof snobbish man at first, this soon evolved into something else, it was love. They were equal in intellect, had physical attraction and deep love for one another, financial security, romance, and companionship. They are the two I believe would be most happy in life. Jane Austen wanted the reader to know that marriage should be approached as a package deal - a package of love, financial stability, physical attraction, and happiness.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Queen Elizabeth Essay

‘The Taming of the Shrew’, written by William Shakespeare between 1589 and 1594, is a romantic comedy set in the Italian city of Padua. Since the play was written, the audience’s idea of comedy has changed quite dramatically. In the fifteen hundreds, an audience would have enjoyed obvious, visual aspects of comedy such as we would see in a modern-day pantomime, whereas an audience watching the play today would also enjoy less obvious aspects such as sarcasm, irony and dry humour. Shakespeare, although aware of Queen Elizabeth’s position as a strong and independent woman, also had to fulfil the expectations of the time. This is why the ‘feminist’ of the play comes out ‘Tamed’ at the end. Women were expected to be obedient to men, whether husband, father or elder, in the same way as commoners were subservient to the King and aristocracy, a model of society often referred to as the Great Chain of Being. This hierarchy supported belief in the Divine Right of Kings and, similarly, in man’s superiority to woman. The fact that the play is set in Italy further strengthens the link with the Italian tradition of Commedia dell’Arte, one of the major influences on modern pantomime. The subject of ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ – who shall have sovereignty in marriage – is also part of a long and well established tradition in English literature offering many opportunities for comedy, for example Chaucer’s ‘Wife of Bath’s Tale’ and Noah’s wife in the Medieval Mystery Plays. The play is primarily about love and respect between husband and wife, though there are many other underlying themes: the relationship between master and servant, violence, and oppression, sexual compatibility, marriage and its materialistic assets, family, and the relationship between appearance and reality. As the title suggests, the play follows the struggles of Petruchio and Katherina in courtship and marriage; Petruchio takes on the challenge of marrying the famed ‘Shrew’, known in Padua for her scolding tongue and uninviting attitude, and by the end of the play manages to tame her. It sheds light on the belief of the time that women should be completely obedient toward their masters, and that Kate realizes she will get nowhere resisting men and relents to Petruchio’s authority.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Cell phones while driving

A cell phone isn't Just a device used for communication, but it can become a distraction while driving. Using a cellular device whilst driving can be dangerous because of the distractions they can cause. Any time a person looks down at their phone, anything can happen whether it's nothing or really bad. The main concern is car accidents. Car accidents happen all the time because of distractions that people don't think about because it doesn't seem to matter at the time. According to statistics, 11% of all fatal crashes under the GE of 20 in the US are because of drivers being distracted.Many teens in the US use their cellular device while driving. This is a much bigger problem because they're putting themselves in danger at a younger age. As a teen driver, they are mostly not as experienced and if certain incidents happen they can possibly cost their life. But overall, I personally believe that cell phones should not be used no matter what age you are. Cell phones, not only puts your self In danger, but others In the car as well as the other cars around you. A person can lose focus and risk themselves into danger with there vehicles and cause Injuries to the others.Drivers should always be aware of their surroundings because If there are other drivers who go out of control, they can always be prepared and make it out safe. If distractions, mainly cell phones, are being used, the driver Is putting themselves at risks for disaster for not paying attention. Putting yourself In danger Is bad, but putting others In danger for your actions Is much worse. All In all, cell phones being used In a car Is very dangerous. It may not seem Like It at the time, put It can be too late when an accident or an Injury occurs.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Art of Cooking Essay

I have a passion for culinary art. My double culture, and family background was behind this love . I always thought that being half French , half Moroccan is a great mixture , but starting to cook approved it to me . I remember when I used to sneak in my mom’s kitchen, and play with the ingredients. It was a great time where I learned how to mix, and make new dishes by improvising new combinations. For example, I mixed flavors and textures that were usually never combined. Or even add new colors in my dishes that raise their beauty. I was not the only one fascinated by food. My dad a professional chef got me into the world of pastry, and Moroccan traditional food ex: â€Å"Tagine,† which is primarily used to slow-cook savory stews and vegetable dishes. Because the domed or cone-shaped lid of the tagine traps steam and returns the condensed liquid to the pot. Morocco is the culinary star of North Africa; it is the doorway between Europe and Africa. Much imperial and trade influence has been filtered, and blended into this culture. Moroccan cooking is characterized by rich spices that combine anywhere from 10 to 100 spices. French and Moroccan cooking cuisines have been subject to Berber, Moorish, Arab, and European influences. Most French dishes are known for their complex, and rich flavors, we love bread, and wines. Most of people tried some French recipes, or food without knowing that is even French. You may find them all over the world. Ex: * Crepes: a very flat pancake typically stuffed with fruit or cream. * Baguette: a long French bread loaf. * Chocolate mousse: this lighter than air dessert originated in France. * Eclair : a pastry stuffed with cream and topped with icing. * Creme Brulee : Custard topped with hard caramel. â€Å"One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well. †

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Getting Our Future Back On The Rails †Slowly

How does the writer use written and visual language to attempt to persuade readers to share his point of view? The use of inclusive language and personal appeals positions the reader to share the writers viewpoint that a communal garden would be beneficial in not only the sense of convenience but also health, wealth and social.Throughout the article the writer attempts to make the reader believe that a community garden would be a far more productive use of land instead of a skate park and he/she does this with an logical and passionate tone and throughout the article it evolves into a feeling of determination and importance, and this is achieved by the use of imagery and statistics which appeal to both the readers hearts and their wallets. Through repetition of the word community, the writer seeks to compel the reader into believing in the project of the communal garden.The moderate use of repetition in this argument is just enough so that the reader clearly understands that this pro ject is for the community but then not enough so that it drives away the gradual acceptance that the writer is hoping to accomplish. The reference to the Second World War creates a feeling of companionship and duty to growing our own food because during the time of the food shortage that’s what everyone had to do back then, and people don’t want to be put back into that position.Referencing to the graph from the ‘NSW Environment Protection Authority’ lends credibility to the writers argument which influences the reader that the writer certainly knows what they’re talking about and that he/she isn’t the only one concerned about this topic. The concept of having more people that agree with the argument will sway more and more people into believing what is being read and eventually they will jump on board.Statistics and graphs have to be used cautiously in any persuasive piece because if either the information is proven to be wrong it will cause widespread loss of interest and trust in the argument, also, statistics cannot just be thrown into a piece without any explanation from the author otherwise it will just cause confusion for the reader and it will defeat its own purpose, it is similar to using an irrelevant quote.In this argument the use of the graph and the proper accreditation to the ‘NSW Environment Protection Authority’ shows the reader that the writer is trustworthy and the information that he/she is relaying is accurate. By addressing the readers informally as a community, the writer establishes a sense of intimacy not only with him/herself but almost as if with the entire audience that the article was addressed to. Inclusive language is language that does not belittle, exclude or stereotype people, instead it aims on bringing everyone together.Inclusive language includes the reader by assuming that they all agree or disagree, it engages the reader and may gain sympathy or persuade the reader to e ither accept or reject the idea or topic of the article. Some examples of the inclusive language that was used in this article include the words community, our own, ourselves, ‘to you, the community’ and neighbours, these words are all synonyms of the word group.In conclusion the writers main contention was to persuade all of the readers of this article to agree to the construction of a communal garden and he/she did this by using some powerful techniques the correct way in their article, these include but are not limited to inclusive language, repetition, statistics and imagery. The main audiences that will be convinced by this article are those that care about their community and also their own health and financial benefit but there will always be people that don’t agree with what you write and these people might include the ones that would be too lazy to get up and tend to a garden every day.

JUVENILE JUSTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

JUVENILE JUSTICE - Essay Example It is also important to note that the procedure and organization found between the adult and juvenile court systems vary greatly (Snyder, 2001). In Alabama, after committing the crime, Juveniles are detained as compared to being arrested. A petition is drawn up next whereby the juvenile court’s jurisdictional authority over the detained individual and offense serves the minor’s family as notice and offers the basis for the convergence of the court, and acts as the official document for charging. The juvenile’s case is adjudicated, once it is in court, and a disposition is passed. The governmental Act that entails Freedom of Information access to everyone means that the adult records can be viewed by anyone, whereas, juvenile records are considered as sealed documents. This measure is meant for protecting the minors so that their single mistake in life does not become a barrier throughout their life. Juvenile records may be expunged once the minor offender reaches 18 years provided they meet the set state criteria. In addition, unlike the adult court procedures the juvenile courts proceedings are far less formal. The least detrimental options often form the main basis for a juvenile case disposition. Therefore, the parents’ patriae legacy remains clear (Mays & Winfree, 2000). Juvenile dispositions use of indeterminate sentencing is often a constant source of controversy for the juvenile courts. Under this sentencing, the judges are given power to determine and decide the type of sentence that will be carried out. Juveniles, in such cases, are watched during their detained periods and only when the judge completely considers them fully rehabilitated, then they can be released. This arrangement, according to critics, allows the judge to have too much discretion, and therefore should not be considered as a detrimental punishment. The three main ways that a court is typically

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Influences of economics and marketing on relationships in the global Essay - 1

Influences of economics and marketing on relationships in the global food supply chain - Essay Example The economic policies of the government have opened the economy to foreign direct investment with favorable regulatory structures being laid down for the investors. The government also aimed at integrating the agricultural sector in the global food supply chain with an initiative to support domestic markets. At the same time it encourages the productivity in a buyer driven market. The economic policies developed by the governments provide opportunities for the business houses and supermarkets to increase the supply of food by taking the benefits of the incentives offered by the favorable economic policies. Appropriate marketing strategies were also adopted in order to fight the obstacles of the pressure groups and the roadblocks due to negative publicity. The transition of global food supply chain has occurred as an effect of the increased demand and the economic policies of the government and the marketing strategies of the business houses in order to tap the emerging demand (Lindgr een,  Hingley and  Vanhamme, 2009, p.38). These factors have led to the change of food habits and change in lifestyle of the consumers. Thus the relationships of the global food supply chain have been influenced by the economic role and marketing role of the government and the business houses respectively. Critical review of key literature The relationship of the food supply chain has become an important area of discussion. The underlying forces of economics and marketing have been playing a key role in influencing the relationships between the government, business houses and the consumers or the people. The agricultural sector is the core of food production in any country. The farmers harvest their land to cultivate the crops that are sold in the market. This cultivation of the crops and the marketing distribution channels supply the food required by the consumers. The process of demand and supply of food is now spread all over the world with the rapid functioning of retail sup ermarket chains that cater to customers all over the globe (Clapp, 2013, p.59). In the age of liberalization, the food supply chain has become a global phenomenon and it is not confined to the domestic market. The change in economic policies and economic reforms adopted by the economies towards an open market economy has allowed foreign direct investments in the global food supply chain industry. Thus the agricultural sector and the domestic markets have been exposed to foreign competition which has raised the benchmark of food quality. The consumers or the people have transformed the standards and quality of food demand at par with the standard of exports. Several factors like the rise in population, change in diet and food habits, increase in market competition, rise of prices in the local markets and improvement in food quality have raised the aggregate demand of global food supply chain. The human population is estimated to grow by 35% from 6.85 billion in 2010 to 9.15 billion i n 2050. The spiraling rate of increase in human population and the increase in average income level of the middle class and lower middle class society have led to the increase in global demand of food. In order to contain inflation as a result of the increased global demand of